Memory Model

To verify devices such as AXI-masters that access an external memory space it is useful to have a memory model with the following capabilities:

  1. Allocate data buffers

  2. Write data to input buffers

  3. Set expected data for output buffers

  4. Read data from output buffers

  5. Set read/write permission on memory regions

In the test bench the Device Under Test (DUT) is connected to a verification component (VC) such as an AXI slave bus functional model. The VC has a reference to the memory model and will translate all bus transactions into byte accesses to the memory model.

When the VC makes byte accesses to the memory models they are checked for permission and expected data buffer violations. In case of violations error messages give valuable contextual information such as the name of the buffer where an offending access has been made as well as the relative address within the buffer.

The test bench can provide input data to the DUT by allocating a data buffer and filling it with data. Strict access permissions can be set to ensure that the DUT does not make unwanted memory accesses. Output data can be checked by reading from the output data buffer and comparing to expected values. Expected data can also be set directly on the memory model with the advantage that the error is detected as soon as the first incorrect byte is written to the memory which can provide valuable contextual information.

Memory Model Utilities

There is also a memory_utils_pkg providing functions to read and write other VUnit data types such as integer_array_t to the memory model.


Memory model API
-- Model of a memory address space

library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use work.integer_vector_ptr_pkg.all;
use work.logger_pkg.all;
use work.string_ptr_pkg.all;
use work.types_pkg.byte_t;

package memory_pkg is

  type endianness_arg_t is (little_endian,
  subtype endianness_t is endianness_arg_t range little_endian to big_endian;

  -- Memory model object
  type memory_t is record
    -- Private
    p_meta : integer_vector_ptr_t;
    p_default_endian : endianness_t;
    p_check_permissions : boolean;
    p_data : integer_vector_ptr_t;
    p_buffers : integer_vector_ptr_t;
    p_logger : logger_t;
  end record;
  constant null_memory : memory_t := (p_logger => null_logger,
                                      p_check_permissions => boolean'low,
                                      p_default_endian => endianness_t'low,
                                      others => null_ptr);

  -- Default memory logger
  constant memory_logger : logger_t := get_logger("vunit_lib:memory_pkg");

  -- Create a new memory object
  impure function new_memory(logger : logger_t := memory_logger;
                             endian : endianness_t := little_endian) return memory_t;

  -- Empties the memory by removing all data and permissions
  procedure clear(memory : memory_t);

  -- Return the number of allocated bytes in the memory
  impure function num_bytes(memory : memory_t) return natural;

  -- Memory data read and write functions
  procedure write_byte(memory : memory_t;
                       address : natural;
                       byte : byte_t);
  impure function read_byte(memory : memory_t;
                            address : natural) return byte_t;

  procedure write_word(memory : memory_t;
                       address : natural;
                       word : std_logic_vector;
                       endian : endianness_arg_t := default_endian);

  impure function read_word(memory : memory_t;
                            address : natural;
                            bytes_per_word : positive;
                            endian : endianness_arg_t := default_endian) return std_logic_vector;

  -- Write integer
  procedure write_integer(memory : memory_t;
                          address : natural;
                          word : integer;
                          bytes_per_word : natural range 1 to 4 := 4;
                          endian : endianness_arg_t := default_endian);

  -- Memory access permission control functions
  type permissions_t is (no_access,
  impure function get_permissions(memory : memory_t;
                                  address : natural) return permissions_t;
  procedure set_permissions(memory : memory_t;
                            address : natural;
                            permissions : permissions_t);

  -- Functions to set memory expected data
  impure function has_expected_byte(memory : memory_t;
                                    address : natural) return boolean;
  procedure clear_expected_byte(memory : memory_t;
                                address : natural);
  procedure set_expected_byte(memory : memory_t;
                              address : natural;
                              expected : byte_t);
  procedure set_expected_word(memory : memory_t;
                              address : natural;
                              expected : std_logic_vector;
                              endian : endianness_arg_t := default_endian);
  procedure set_expected_integer(memory : memory_t;
                                 address : natural;
                                 expected : integer;
                                 bytes_per_word : natural range 1 to 4 := 4;
                                 endian : endianness_arg_t := default_endian);
  impure function get_expected_byte(memory : memory_t;
                                    address : natural) return byte_t;

  -- Check that all expected bytes within address range was written
  -- with correct value
  procedure check_expected_was_written(memory : memory_t;
                                       address : natural;
                                       num_bytes : natural);

  -- Returns true if all expected bytes within address range was written
  -- with correct value
  impure function expected_was_written(memory    : memory_t;
                                       address   : natural;
                                       num_bytes : natural) return boolean;

  -- Check that all expected bytes within the entire memory was written
  -- with correct value
  procedure check_expected_was_written(memory : memory_t);

  -- Returns true if all expected bytes within the entire memory was written
  -- with correct value
  impure function expected_was_written(memory : memory_t) return boolean;

  -- Memory buffer allocation

  -- Reference to an allocated buffer with the memory
  type buffer_t is record
    -- Private
    p_memory_ref : memory_t;
    p_name : string_ptr_t;
    p_address : natural;
    p_num_bytes : natural;
  end record;
  constant null_buffer : buffer_t := (p_memory_ref => null_memory,
                                      p_name => null_string_ptr,
                                      p_address => natural'low,
                                      p_num_bytes => natural'low);

  -- Allocate a buffer
  impure function allocate(memory : memory_t;
                           num_bytes : natural;
                           name : string := "";
                           alignment : positive := 1;
                           permissions : permissions_t := read_and_write) return buffer_t;
  impure function name(buf : buffer_t) return string;
  impure function num_bytes(buf : buffer_t) return natural;
  impure function base_address(buf : buffer_t) return natural;
  impure function last_address(buf: buffer_t) return natural;

  -- Check that all expected bytes was written with correct value in buffer
  procedure check_expected_was_written(buf : buffer_t);

  -- Returns true if all expected bytes was written with correct value in buffer
  impure function expected_was_written(buf : buffer_t) return boolean;

  -- Return a string describing the address with name of allocation and
  -- permission settings
  impure function describe_address(memory : memory_t;
                                   address : natural) return string;

  -- Return a reference to the memory object that can be used in a verification
  -- component. The verification component can use its own logger and
  -- permissions should be checked.
  impure function to_vc_interface(memory : memory_t;

                                  -- Override logger, null_logger means no override
                                  logger : logger_t := null_logger) return memory_t;

  -- Only perform checks related to address
  -- Check for access permissions and address out of range
  impure function check_address(memory : memory_t; address : natural;
                                reading : boolean;
                                check_permissions : boolean := false) return boolean;

  -- Only perform checks related to write_byte data without performing the write
  -- Does not check address
  impure function check_write_data(memory : memory_t;
                                   address : natural;
                                   byte : byte_t) return boolean;

  -- Perform write of one byte without running any address or data checks
  procedure write_byte_unchecked(memory : memory_t; address : natural; byte : byte_t);

end package;