Bus Master VCI

Bus master verification component interface
-- Defines bus master verification component interface

library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use work.com_pkg.all;
use work.com_types_pkg.all;
use work.logger_pkg.all;
use work.queue_pkg.all;
use work.sync_pkg.all;

package bus_master_pkg is

  -- Handle to VC instance with bus master VCI
  type bus_master_t is record
    -- These fields are private, do not use directly
    p_actor : actor_t;
    p_data_length : natural;
    p_address_length : natural;
    p_byte_length : natural;
    p_logger : logger_t;
  end record;

  -- Reference to non-blocking bus command
  alias bus_reference_t is msg_t;

  -- Default logger object for bus master instances
  constant bus_logger : logger_t := get_logger("vunit_lib:bus_master_pkg");

  -- Create new handle for bus master VC
  impure function new_bus(data_length : natural;
                          address_length : natural;
                          byte_length : natural := 8;
                          logger : logger_t := bus_logger;
                          actor : actor_t := null_actor) return bus_master_t;

  -- Return the logger used by the bus master
  function get_logger(bus_handle : bus_master_t) return logger_t;

  -- Return the length of the data on this bus
  impure function data_length(bus_handle : bus_master_t) return natural;

  -- Return the length of the address on this bus
  impure function address_length(bus_handle : bus_master_t) return natural;

  -- Return the length of a byte on this bus
  impure function byte_length(bus_handle : bus_master_t) return natural;

  -- Return the length of the byte enable signal on this bus
  impure function byte_enable_length(bus_handle : bus_master_t) return natural;

  -- Convert natural address to std_logic_vector using the correct number of bits
  impure function to_address(constant bus_handle :
                             bus_master_t; address : natural) return std_logic_vector;

  -- Blocking: Write the bus
  procedure write_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : std_logic_vector;
                      constant data : std_logic_vector;
                      -- default byte enable is all bytes
                      constant byte_enable : std_logic_vector := "");
  procedure write_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : natural;
                      constant data : std_logic_vector;
                      -- default byte enable is all bytes
                      constant byte_enable : std_logic_vector := "");
  -- Procedures for burst bus write: Caller is responsible for allocation and
  -- deallocation of data queue. Procedure cunsumes burst_length data words
  -- from data queue. If data queue has less data words, all data
  -- words are consumed and pop from empty queue error is raised.
  procedure burst_write_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : std_logic_vector;
                      constant burst_length : positive;
                      constant data : queue_t);
  procedure burst_write_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : natural;
                      constant burst_length : positive;
                      constant data : queue_t);

  -- Non blocking: Read the bus returning a reference to the future reply
  procedure read_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                     constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                     constant address : std_logic_vector;
                     variable reference : inout bus_reference_t);
  procedure read_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                     constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                     constant address : natural;
                     variable reference : inout bus_reference_t);
  procedure burst_read_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : std_logic_vector;
                      constant burst_length : positive;
                      variable reference : inout bus_reference_t);
  procedure burst_read_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : natural;
                      constant burst_length : positive;
                      variable reference : inout bus_reference_t);

  -- Blocking: Await read bus reply data
  procedure await_read_bus_reply(signal net : inout network_t;
                                 variable reference : inout bus_reference_t;
                                 variable data : inout std_logic_vector);
  -- Procedure for burst read reply: Caller is responsible for allocation and
  -- deallocation of data queue. Procedure pushes burst_length data words
  -- into data queue.
  procedure await_burst_read_bus_reply(signal net : inout network_t;
                                 constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                                 constant data : queue_t;
                                 variable reference : inout bus_reference_t);

  -- Blocking: Read bus and check result against expected data
  procedure check_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : std_logic_vector;
                      constant expected : std_logic_vector;
                      constant msg : string := "");
  procedure check_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : natural;
                      constant expected : std_logic_vector;
                      constant msg : string := "");

  -- Blocking: read bus with immediate reply
  procedure read_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                     constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                     constant address : std_logic_vector;
                     variable data : inout std_logic_vector);
  procedure read_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                     constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                     constant address : natural;
                     variable data : inout std_logic_vector);
  -- Procedure for burst bus read: Caller is responsible for allocation and
  -- deallocation of data queue. Procedure pushes burst_length data words
  -- into data queue.
  procedure burst_read_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : std_logic_vector;
                      constant burst_length : positive;
                      constant data : queue_t);
  procedure burst_read_bus(signal net : inout network_t;
                      constant bus_handle : bus_master_t;
                      constant address : natural;
                      constant burst_length : positive;
                      constant data : queue_t);

  -- Blocking: Wait until a read from address equals the value using
  -- std_match If timeout is reached error with msg
  procedure wait_until_read_equals(
    signal net : inout network_t;
    bus_handle   : bus_master_t;
    addr         : std_logic_vector;
    value        : std_logic_vector;
    timeout      : delay_length := delay_length'high;
    msg    : string       := "");

  -- Blocking: Wait until a read from address has the bit with this
  -- index set to value If timeout is reached error with msg
  procedure wait_until_read_bit_equals(
    signal net : inout network_t;
    bus_handle   : bus_master_t;
    addr         : std_logic_vector;
    idx          : natural;
    value        : std_logic;
    timeout      : delay_length := delay_length'high;
    msg    : string       := "");

  -- Convert a bus master to a sync handle
  impure function as_sync(bus_master : bus_master_t) return sync_handle_t;

  -- Wait until all operations scheduled before this command has finished
  procedure wait_until_idle(signal net : inout network_t;
                            bus_handle : bus_master_t);

  -- Message type definitions, used by VC-instances
  constant bus_write_msg : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("write bus");
  constant bus_read_msg : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("read bus");
  constant bus_burst_write_msg : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("burst write bus");
  constant bus_burst_read_msg : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("burst read bus");
end package;

Stream Master VCI

Stream master verification component interface
-- Stream master verification component interface

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use work.com_pkg.new_actor;
use work.com_pkg.send;
use work.com_types_pkg.all;

package stream_master_pkg is
  -- Stream master handle
  type stream_master_t is record
    p_actor : actor_t;
  end record;

  -- Create a new stream master object
  impure function new_stream_master return stream_master_t;

  -- Push a data value to the stream
  procedure push_stream(signal net : inout network_t;
                        stream : stream_master_t;
                        data : std_logic_vector;
                        last : boolean := false);

  -- Message type definitions used by VC implementing stream master VCI
  constant stream_push_msg : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("stream push");
end package;

Stream Slave VCI

Stream slave verification component interface
-- Stream slave verification component interface

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use work.check_pkg.all;
use work.com_pkg.all;
use work.com_types_pkg.all;

package stream_slave_pkg is
  -- Stream slave handle
  type stream_slave_t is record
    p_actor : actor_t;
  end record;

  -- Create a new stream slave object
  impure function new_stream_slave return stream_slave_t;

  -- Reference to future stream result
  alias stream_reference_t is msg_t;

  -- Blocking: pop a value from the stream
  procedure pop_stream(signal net : inout network_t;
                       stream : stream_slave_t;
                       variable data : out std_logic_vector;
                       variable last : out boolean);

  procedure pop_stream(signal net : inout network_t;
                       stream : stream_slave_t;
                       variable data : out std_logic_vector);

  -- Non-blocking: pop a value from the stream to be read in the future
  procedure pop_stream(signal net : inout network_t;
                       stream : stream_slave_t;
                       variable reference : inout stream_reference_t);

  -- Blocking: Wait for reply to non-blocking pop
  procedure await_pop_stream_reply(signal net : inout network_t;
                                   variable reference : inout stream_reference_t;
                                   variable data : out std_logic_vector;
                                   variable last : out boolean);

  procedure await_pop_stream_reply(signal net : inout network_t;
                                   variable reference : inout stream_reference_t;
                                   variable data : out std_logic_vector);

  -- Blocking: read stream and check result against expected value
  procedure check_stream(signal net : inout network_t;
                         stream : stream_slave_t;
                         expected : std_logic_vector;
                         last : boolean := false;
                         msg : string := "");

  -- Message type definitions used by VC implementing stream slave VCI
  constant stream_pop_msg : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("stream pop");
end package;

Synchronization VCI

Synchronization verification component interface
-- Defines synchronization verification component interface VCI

use work.com_pkg.request;
use work.com_pkg.send;
use work.com_pkg.reply;
use work.com_types_pkg.all;

package sync_pkg is

  -- Handle to talk to a VC implementing the sync VCI
  alias sync_handle_t is actor_t;

  -- Blocking: Wait until all operations requested from the VC have been
  -- finished or timeout has been reached. A timeout results in an error.
  procedure wait_until_idle(signal net : inout network_t;
                            handle     :       sync_handle_t;
                            timeout    :       delay_length := max_timeout);

  -- Non-blocking: Make VC wait for a delay before starting the next operation
  procedure wait_for_time(signal net : inout network_t;
                          handle     :       sync_handle_t;
                          delay      :       delay_length);

  -- Message type definitions used by VC implementing the synchronization VCI
  constant wait_until_idle_msg       : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("wait until idle");
  constant wait_until_idle_reply_msg : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("wait until idle reply");
  constant wait_for_time_msg         : msg_type_t := new_msg_type("wait for time");

  -- Standard implementation of wait_until_idle VCI which may be used by VC
  procedure handle_wait_until_idle(signal net        : inout network_t;
                                   variable msg_type : inout msg_type_t;
                                   variable msg      : inout msg_t);

  -- Standard implementation of wait_for_time VCI which may be used by VC
  procedure handle_wait_for_time(signal net        : inout network_t;
                                 variable msg_type : inout msg_type_t;
                                 variable msg      : inout msg_t);

  -- Standard implementation of synchronization VCI which may be used by VC
  procedure handle_sync_message(signal net        : inout network_t;
                                variable msg_type : inout msg_type_t;
                                variable msg      : inout msg_t);
end package;